How to Get a Child to Brush Their Teeth

How to Get a Child to Brush Their Teeth Want to know how to get a child to brush their teeth? Make brushing fun! The key is to tap into what children love or love to do. Children love: Spending time with you Games Music Stories Animals Anything fun

Flossing Children’s Teeth

Why Flossing Children’s Teeth Is Important Flossing children’s teeth is vitally important to their oral health. Teach your child how to floss and you teach them a lifelong skill that will help keep their teeth and gums healthy for life. Using a toothbrush, it’s easy to clean teeth in front and in back, but to […]

Common Dental Questions

Common Dental Questions Asked by Parents As Keswick’s only children’s dental clinic, there are plenty of common dental questions that we get asked all the time. Understandably, parents only want the very best for their children and it’s great that they want to know more when it comes to oral care and taking care of […]

Baby Teeth Chart

Baby Teeth Chart – FAQ Answers The baby teeth chart provides answers to some of the more common questions that parents ask like, “When do baby teeth come out?” New parents especially have a lot do deal with. They may not know how to sooth a teething baby, how to brush baby teeth, or even […]

Dental Care

Young child smiling and brushing her teeth.

Kids Dental Care

Why Dental Care for Kids Is So Important

Kids dental care is important so to ensure good oral health in children. Be sure to brush your child’s teeth at least twice a day from the age of two. Teaching your child to brush (and floss) regularly will also help them develop healthy life-long oral care habits.

Keswick Kids Dental specializes in pediatric dentistry in the Keswick / Georgina area of Ontario. In our first blog post, our pediatric dentist offers an overview of proper kids dental care for kids of all ages. Read more